Rebel in the Making

Welcome, Fellow Rebel. Even as we speak, I'm enjoying a cherry Jolly Rancher and listening to some German music. A friend of mine introduced me to a German rock band, AnnenMayKantereit, that his brother listened to while taking language classes through school. I have to say, I'm really loving them. How nice is it when you can appreciate other people and artistic endeavors even when you can't understand everything they're saying.

I mean, I looked up the lyrics and the translation of said lyrics, and I have to say, hearing this song in its original version is perfection. The voice, instruments, and emotion of the lyrics come across even better than an English translation. It's nice to have an emotional connection to songs and to understand what is being sung despite the langauge barrier. 

As most of you know, I've incorporated the German language into my newest, historical fiction novel, The Battle. This look into the language and culture as well as the background of the people led me to appreciate their country and what I've learned. It's always a pleasure to see two sides of every story, and I plan to introduce my readers to two characters who are brave heroes in their own right.

Learning what I could to bring their characters to life has been life-changing for me. Now, I'm trying to learn the language on my own. Of course, I have friends who speak it or have taken classes on it, and they've been valuable founts of information for me. I hope to take my own classes soon, but listening to music and movies where this and other languages are represented is beautiful. I highly recommend it.

This is what the world of books opens up for me. The chance to see new sides to a historical event, to look into the shadows for the hidden heroes, to discuss ideas with others, to learn, to live, and to become so much more than any word written on any page. It's the power of living within each new world and finding the hope we sometimes don't see in the "real" world.

After seeing Avengers: Infinity War, I've been keeping up with the trailers and theories of what might happen next with Avengers: Endgame. One theory sparked my interest, and it made me rethink my life as I know it. What if there are infinite parallel realities, and I'm a different person in each one? Which version of myself would I really want to be? 

It conjures up a plethora of ideas, fears, and hopes. To be honest, I would hope that no matter what "version" of my life I was living and playing out in this wide-world that it would be one where I still care about others. In this time period, looking back at history, I find myself praying for everyone to continue to become happier, healthier, kinder versions of themselves. 

This world needs the heroes, the rebel-rousers who break the concept of anyone being better than anyone else, the individuals who give and love and care, and the people who stand up for what they believe in. However, I still hope we all do it with love in our hearts and a consideration of others. Perhaps I've watched too many superhero movies and still hope for "good" to triumph over "evil." 

Writing, for me, is the same way. Just as I read to escape reality, I also write to escape reality. I'm looking for the story that needs to be told, the hidden heroes no one sees, and the understanding that there are more individuals in the world ready to love, protect, and save than those willing to kill. 

There isn't good without bad, dark without light, and life without choices. 

Today, I hope you see how valuable you are. I hope you know how loved you are. I hope you know you were made for a purpose. I hope you know you're strong enough. So, Fellow Rebel, I also hope you realize the best type of rebellion is to love one another. 

I've found highlights of love through so many people: the aunt who calls to make sure I'm doing okay, the mother who makes me protein smoothies, the dad who read every single one of my books, the cousin who bought every single book and had me sign them, the brother who treats me to coffee, the niece who draws me pictures, the niece who took pictures of a WW2 museum she visited so I could see them, the sister who checks in, the friend who helps create my book covers, the friends who sign up to be my alpha- and beta-readers, the friend who looks over my German translations and makes sure they make sense, the friend who gave me my favorite Captain America Bear, the friend who gave me lotion to destress, the friend who handmade me a scarf and hat, the friend who shared a CD of his favorite gaming songs, the friend who displayed my books at work, the friend who makes sure I don't hurt myself, the friends who pick up the heavy boxes, the friend who traded an hour with me so I could rest when I wasn't feeling well, the friends who always ask about my books, the friend and her family who always treat me to dinner for the holidays and my birthday with beautiful gifts, the friends who ask for my help with their writing, the friends who listen to me even when they don't want to, the friends who care about my safety, the friends who share music and movies with me, the friends who include me, the friends who contact me, the friends who believe in me, and so many more.    

If you want to find the light in the day, be someone who makes another smile. You don't have to win the lottery or be bitten by a radio-active spider to become great or change a life. You just have to share what you know, your time, your smile, and it will make all the difference in the world.

Enjoy your week, Fellow Rebel. I'm here if you need me.

As always, until next time, Happy Reading!!
Picture found online @ DaisiesHeartBook


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