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Top 10 Female Characters:
Did you really think I wouldn't have favorite female characters? 
Well, I do. I'm an equal-opportunity-character-lover.
Last month, I shared my favorite Top 10 Male Characters. They were very pretty...I mean, wonderful characters.
This month, I'm sharing with you the female characters who have changed my world and made me glad to be a girl. 

Are you ready?
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Top Ten Female Characters From Literature Who Stole My Heart (And Yours too! Be Honest!), In No Particular Order, And You're Welcome to Disagree:

1. Macy Queen - The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen 
Strength: The thing about Sarah Dessen, she makes characters you can relate to in every single book. Macy is no different. A perfectionist, Macy tries to control her life by being what everyone expects her to be. She has her life mapped out, and then, it doesn't go as planned. The strength Macy shows to be herself is an important issue in today's world. She stands as a role-model to all women-- young and old.

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2. Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Positive: I adore Anne's vibrant personality, desire to learn, and love of reading. She's not a character who takes "no" for an answer or backs down from a fight. Her willingness to stand by her friends, unlimited imagination, and go-get-em attitude make her the ultimate literary, female hero.  

3. Nancy Drew - Nancy Drew series by Carolyn Keene 
Tenacious: How could I not put Nancy Drew on this list? She solves crimes, for goodness sake! Nancy stands for justice, integrity, and the only character to get hit in the head and become unconscious over 100 times without ever getting stuck in a coma. It's amazing really. She deserves a medal.

Hunger Games Trilogy (3 Book Series) by  Suzanne Collins           
4. Rue: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Friend: Rue was not only Katniss's ally, she was her friend. Rue was the representation of all the world could be. Good, sweet, intelligent, intuitive, and beautiful. 
Although Rue wasn't a long-lasting character in the books, the impact of her spirit and soul were enduring and deep-rooted.
Without Rue, Katniss wouldn't have made it as far as she did. Their interactions and friendship became a focal point in the book, which reassured the readers of how there can be good, hope, and love, even in the midst of hate. 

Nevermore by [Creagh, Kelly]
5. Isobel Lanley - Nevermore trilogy by Kelly Creagh
Dauntless: Isobel seems as if she'll be your typical MC. Pretty, popular, and possibly a bit stuck-up. Enter Varen Nethers: outcast, emo-goth, Poe-obsessed boy. He turns Isobel's world inside out. Literally. 
Yet, Isobel does the unexpected. She doesn't stick up for her snotty, mean-spirited friends when they attack Varen. She doesn't put up with their attitudes toward him when they want her to dump him during their class project. She stands up for him...and loses everything. 
However, the story isn't finished there. They have bigger fish to fry: Varen's demons. That's when Isobel's character evolves another notch. Does she run and hide? Head back to the popular crowd? Nope. She risks her life to save him. She takes being dauntless to a whole other dimension. Literally. 

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6. Elizabeth Bennett - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Loyal: Lizzie Bennett. 
Pride and Prejudice. 
Jane Austen. 
Need I say more?

7. Jen Jones - Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett
Transformative: Jen is used to being on the outside. An orphan. A foster-child. A girl with baggage. Classified as a hopeless goth, Jen doesn't expect much from people. Not her new foster family and not from the good-looking geek, Trevor. When she makes a bet with her friends to make him more like them, Jen gets in way over her head and learns that there is so much more to people than what meets the eye. Her bet teaches her a valuable lesson about being herself and how loving someone can make you want to be your best. What you do with the opportunity can be life-changing. 

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8. Jamie  - A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
Faithful: This story is told through the voice of Landon Carter. A popular, egomaniac who finds his soul-mate, Jamie. An inspirational character, she shows him a true example of what it means to not give up, to love with all your heart, and to forgive.

The Grand Sophy (Regency Romances) by [Heyer, Georgette]
9. Sophy Stanton-Lacy - The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer
Spontaneous: A favorite author, Georgette Heyer, creates characters in the same style as Jane Austen. Sophy's wit, determination, and force of will move throughout the story as she sets everyone's life in order...with a little bit of chaos. Her spirited personality and knack for interfering make her unpredictable and dynamic and hilarious. 

Hunger Games Trilogy (3 Book Series) by  Suzanne Collins   Image result for female book characters
10. Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
Unyielding: The indecisiveness of Katniss, her raw fear, undesired bravery, and ability to cause trouble for a greater good is enough to make anyone love her story. Even though her status as the "face of a revolution" was unwanted and often resented, Katniss's character is honest and courageous. She's someone who wants the best for all, but still harbors the selfish need to protect who and what she holds dear, even at the cost of others. 
Being thrown into a game, not of her making, this character is more real than most of the gung-ho, let's-kick-butt heroines we often read about. Sometimes, we don't want to be responsible for others, especially people we don't even know. Yet, when the duty fell on her shoulders, she met it. Time and again. Probably with some animosity. 
Her personality jumps from the pages and shows us what girl power looks like. We can affect change even when all is against us, and we really don't want to.


Image result for mia thermopolis images Image result for female book characters  Image result for female book characters
Who are YOUR Top Ten Female Character Picks?
Are any the same as mine? Different? 
Let me know!!
Related image Image result for female characters from books Image result for female book characters

~Rebecca Reddell, Author
Picture found online @ DaisiesHeartBook


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