
Showing posts from September, 2016

The Shallow Beginning

Ahh, it is YOU! My faithful reader.  Bonjour! Hola! Kon'nicichiwa! Ciao! Why, hello there!  And other great language greetings... Welcome to the new blog! I know. It's been a while since you've seen me. I took a slight vacation from this blog life. Yet, I have returned!  What is my new theme, you ask? It is "Rebecca's Write Inspirations" . This is the place where I will share my author life. The lives and books of my author friends. The lives and books of new authors I have discovered.  All those Indie Authors you have been dying to find and more!  Basically, this is the place for you to come and stalk people who write for a living.  I will also be giving you a look at my favorite books. Can anyone have just one? I will share my writing process and links which help make my writing life SO much easier.  Why is my blog different from others? Is it the stunning profile picture? Is it the witty repertoire i...